Listacular basics
Listacular is a powerful text-based list, to-do and note app. This app can help you speed up your list-making and note-taking processes.
You can optionally sync your Listacular files to Dropbox. Listacular supports various file formats including basic text (.txt), TaskPaper files (.taskpaper) and Markdown files (.md). To learn more about the various file formats, check out the File Format Help one screen back.
Basic editing actions:
- Tap a line in a list to begin editing it.
- Hit "return" while editing a list to create a new item below the one you're editing
- Wrap text in stars or underscores to create italic, bold and bold-italic formatting
- Super power: paste multi-line text from email/web/whatever into Listacular and it will create todo and note items
- Super power: use speach-to-text by saying "newline" between each list item to separate thoughts
Moving and reordering items:
- Tap and hold a list item to reorder it within a list
- To move items from one list to another: switch to plaintext mode, select the text you want, cut or copy it, and paste it into the new list
Checking and deleting items:
- Perform a short swipe right on a list item to check it
- Perform a longer swipe to the right to delete an item
- You can also tap a todo item's checkbox to mark it done
Setting due dates:
- Swipe a todo to the left to set a due date
- You can also set an alarm in this way
Working with files:
- Tap and hold a file item to reorder it within a list
- To move to a different folder, rename, or share: swipe a file item to the left
- Pull down to refresh a file or folder
- Swipe right to delete a file or folder
App URL Scheme
You can connect Listacular to other apps like Launch Center Pro with app URLs.
Open Listacular with due items screen
Create an empty file
Open/create list and append tasks
A file will be created if no lists exists to open
Open/create list and prepend tasks
File formats
Listacular supports various file formats including plaintext (.txt), TaskPaper files (.taskpaper) and coming very soon, Markdown files (.md).
If you would like to customize your file formats in a future version of Listacular? Please contact me on the previous screen via support.
Plaintext list (.txt):
Plaintext is the simplest format.
# This is a header - This is a todo - This is a checked todo @done * This is a bullet point This item is *italic*, this one is **bold**, this one is ***bold-italic***
TaskPaper (.taskpaper):
TaskPaper uses the same format as Jesse Grosjean's TaskPaper for Mac
This is a header: This is plain text - This is a todo - This is a completed todo @done This is a @tag